Saturday, June 27, 2009

It has been a while.

With school, work, and family, I have not been able to post anything in several months. That does not mean I have given up the fight, nor been silent.

Yesterday, the US House narrowly (219-212) passed a sweeping energy reform bill that republicans are calling the largest "tax hike" in history. Among other things this bill calls for higher CAFE standards, a 50 % reduction in foreign oil dependence (a good idea, but we are supposed to do it without drilling domestically or exploiting nuclear options), and a mandate to set up a cap and trade system. Now, I don't know all the details of this bill, but that's OK because the majority of the senators who voted for it don't either. That's right, fighting global warming is so important that we don't even need to read the bill before we vote for it. Of course who can blame the representatives, the bleeding thing is over 1,200 pages long for crying out loud (The democrats tacked on an additional 300 at 3AM Friday morning). Who can be expected to read that?

The most maddening thing though is that this lost by a mere 7 votes, and their were eight republicans who crossed the line. See, I know what to expect from the dems. They are going to raise taxes, increase entitlements, and sell producing members of society up the river for their pipe dream of "social equality". Republicans on the other hand, the are supposed to be the ones defending our liberty and property from the gaping black hole that is Washington. I don't blame the 211 democrats for voting for it. I can expect nothing else from them. I blame the eight sell-outs who, rather than representing the interests of those who voted them into office, rather than representing the interests of the conservative movement who is their base, crawled into bed glassy eyed and sweaty palmed with the Sun God Ra-Obama and the rest of his cronies.

Never fear however, because I happen to have the contact information of those eight representatives:

Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330
Castle (DE) 202-225-4165
Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835
Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361
Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572
McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611
Reichart (WA) 202-225-7761
Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765

If we are interested in fixing our nation, then we need to become more vigilant. In 2010 or 2012, these gentlemen need to be out of a job. Our congressmen need to learn that when they sell us up the river for a bill they can't even take the time to read, and that the majority of citizens are opposed too, then they will be looking for new jobs come election time.

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