Monday, July 14, 2008

Your Move America.

This week President Bush has lifted a Presidential ban on drilling for oil and natural gas on the U.S. Continental Shelf.

"Today I've taken every step within my power to allow offshore exploration of the OCS," Bush said.

Now, this act is largely symbolic. No change can really happen with the domestic oil situation until Congress lifts its ban on offshore drilling. Bush has just racked up a few more points in my book. What he has done is remove all doubt as to who is responsible for the high gas prices. He has drawn line in the sand and dared Congress to show their true colors and demonstrate if all their talk about "being for the little guy" is just that, talk.

Of course, the democrats are not about to let Bush push them around, and Democratic leaders have already rejected his call to end the moratorium, stating that it would have no effect on prices, and that better options are available.

Once again, I would like to see those better options. Please, please, please, Pelosi and Reid. Tell me. What will have an effect on prices? Taxing the Oil companies? Outlawing SUV's? Subsidizing ethanol? These are the ideas that you have pushed on us for decades, so much that many of the Republicans are finally buying them. There is only one flaw. None of these have had any effect on gas prices except to raise them. And unlike your slick rhetoric, mine is actually based on fact.

Wake up America! The democrats have absolutely no desire to help you out. They are not at all interested in lowering the gas prices. If you elect a democratic congress in the upcoming election, you can only expect more of the same.

The Democratic solution to the energy crisis is this. Stop Consuming! Stop Driving! Stop Breathing! Stop Eating! Obama has said that the only problem that he has with the high gas price is how fast it has risen. The democrats want to impose even heavier taxes on the oil companies to "punish" them for forcing these high prices on the poor American consumer. Of course anyone with half a brain can see that this will only force the oil companies to pass these extra costs onto the consumer in the form of even higher prices. But that is exactly what the Dems want! They want the prices to increase. That is why they refuse to boost energy production. Their plan is to artificially jack up the price so high that Dwight and Duane from the Ozarks won't be able to fill up their pick-up, and thus be prevented from clogging the road.

Of course neither Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid nor any of their other teammates are concerned about the gas prices, none of them have to worry about making a choice between paying for gas and paying rent. Their main tool is class envy, to trick the average American to hate the rich. They thrive on the illusion that all the rich have gotten their money through devious means, and that all the poor are honest hard working people who can't get ahead because of the "BIG EVIL RICH". That is why they spend so much time trying to make Americans hate big companies, executives, CEO's, and rich people in general, hoping that the public will forget that it is the rich people, the CEO's, the big companies, that keep our economy moving, that create more jobs, that motivate innovation.

The key to solving our energy crisis is simple.

1. Boost domestic oil, natural gas, and coal production by opening the continental shelf, and giving States the right to drill on their own lands.

2. Allow the construction new refineries and coal gassification plants to process the raw materials into usable fuels and other products

3. Stop buying oil from the Middle East the second that we are able to meet our own needs.

4. Allow the construction of Nuclear Power plants

5. Focus efforts on innovation and ways that we can reduce our need on gasoline. If the economy is thriving, this innovation will come from the free market.

6. Eliminate ethanol subsidation. Any alternative energy source will have to stand on its own feet if it is to work.

Once again notice, that none of the democrat plans involve producing more energy.

Wake up USA. You have a chance to fix things. It isn't with the presidential election either. If you want lower gas prices, if you want to eliminate our dependence on the Middle East, then you have to vote conservatives into office this election. The democrats have wasted enough of our time and our dollars. Time to send a message and kick these fools out.

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