Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Moving On...

Today was my last day at Brigham Young University. I packed up 3 years worth of science textbooks, my TI-89 Calculator, my pocket protector (yes I actually have one), my oil and acid stained semi-white lab coat, into a giant cardboard box, and bid farewell to my alma mater. Incidentally, after comming home, I realized that I had forgotten my charger for my palm pilot. One of the things I will miss will be my regular debates with Matt Asplund, one of my former professors. Matt is one of the few left-leaning people I know who has actually spent time thinking about his opinions. It was a pleasure to debate Matt, and I will miss it alot. Especially since the last few debates I have participated in have left me wanting to gouge my eye out with a KFC spork. In my experience, the more vocal the liberal, the more inane the comment. People of this type think that to debate is to rabidly spout off tired bumper sticker slogans and then, when their logic is challanged, to dramatically role their eyes and mumble something about being a "typical republican" and stomp out of the room. To my liberal friends, you are embarassing yourself. The only people who buy that tripe are the people who base their political opinions on material taken from "The Daily Show".

I found a blog post that outlines liberal debate tactics...check it out.

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