Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Weeks...Zero Hour

I don't usually post twice in one day...heck, I don't usually post twice in one month, but you know what they say about desperate times. The Health Care plan being touted by the Sun God Ra-Obama (thanks Panda) is a serious issue and we as a nation need to get busy. In my last post, I talked about the need for everyone to call their representative and their senator and tell them that you oppose a yes vote for the Cap and Tax bill. Well, if you didn't take me seriously then, you had better do so now because Obama's Health Care for All Americans bill has just been passed by a senate panel and it is on its way to general debate.

The first thing that should raise a flag about this bill is how quickly the Democrats are trying to get it through. I mean, the people of this country have been going without a "public option" for 200+ years, a few more months won't hurt. A prudent leader might want to encourage the Senate to take its time, weigh the costs and benefits, and put together a good healthcare policy that not only makes health care affordable and accessable, but is sustainable over the long term. Their mad dash reminds me of a job I once had as a teenager working for a telemarketing firm selling newspaper subscriptions. The trick was to get the person to agree to the sale before they had any idea what was going on. The only difference is that buying a $10/month newspaper subscription is pretty insignificant while passing Obama's healthcare plan/bastard love child is one of the biggest expansions of the federal government in US history. Its current projected cost sits at 1.5 trillion which, considering how accurate those predictions usually are, will probably skyrocket in 5 or 6 years.

Critics have long been saying that this legislation is nothing more than the first step to the eventual realization of a socialist single-payer system. Despite the fact that this is exactly what Rahm Emanuel and Tom Daschle have said multiple times, this statement still makes Obama chuckle and say; "Socialized? No siree, this ain't no socialized health care! Why, you can still keep the plan you have right now if you want too. All this here bill does is create a public option so's thems who can't afford your fancy care can get it from the gub'ment." That might (miiiight) be well and good if it weren't for a couple of glaring facts that are being all but ignored by the misty eyed and love-smitten drive-by media. Investor's Business Daily reports that on page 16 of the 1000+ page bill, it is expressly stated that you CAN keep your current private health plan, but if you want to change plans or get a new plan for any reason after the bill becomes law (including if you are born after the fact), you have NO CHOICE but to go with the public option. In other words, it will be illegal to have any private plan except the one you had before the bill becomes law. So for those of you who still think that this public option is anything but a mechanism to drive the private sector completely out of business, think again. But thats not all, for those of us who recognize health insurance as the ponzi scheme it is and elect to pay for our care out of pocket, we will be forced to pay an additional 2.5 percent income tax as a penalty. Whether we want this public option or not, you had better believe we are going to pay for it.

Now let's look at how this will affect business owners. Those who make more than $280 thousand a year will be getting a tax increase maxing at 5.4% for those who make 1 million dollars per year or more. Employers who don't provide coverage will have to pay 8% of their total payroll (exemptions for small businesses). The brilliance of this move is that the majority of the country don't fall into this bracket. You may think that this doesn't affect you, but wait until your employer either downsizes your job or reduces your salary in order to meet the mandates put upon him by the federal government, not to mention the investment dollars swallowed up by the governmental black hole in Washington D.C., dollars that could have gone to create jobs (really create jobs, not just fake create them).

Just so you know, those useful idiots who are still cheerleading this plan are going to say; "So you would prefer to pay 10 - 20 grand a year to an evil insurance company that will just deny you coverage because its a preexisting condition? At least with Obama's plan everyone will be covered for everything!" Folks, this is what we call a false dichotomy. It is the logical fallacy that says that a choice exists between only two options, in this case the current system (which we know is bad) and Obama's love child (which might be bad). The answer to this riddle is that we find a solution that allows the price of health care to come down, is sustainable, does not hand control over to the federal government, and relys on the personal responsibility and action of the individual. Believe it or not, such plans exist, but would require (shock and surprise) people to foot more of the bill themselves. In fact, I just happen to have worked out a health care plan that would fill all of these requirements and, in my humble opinion, is exactly what this country needs. I promise to share it with you, but this post is long enough already. Bottom line, don't fall for this "If you don't support Obama's plan, then you must love the current one" junk.

As I said before, Obama's poll numbers are dropping. People are waking up. The democrats in Congress know that their impentitrable majority days are numbered and they know that if they are going to be succesfull in transforming this country into the socialist state that they all fantasize about, they have to do it quick before, like the sap who bought the Los Angeles Times subscription, the American public realize what they've bought. Harry Reid wants debate to start in a week or two. It is up to each of you to contact your Representative and your Senator and tell them, without mincing words, exactly how you feel about this plan. Be sure that they clearly understand that if they do not vote the way you want them to, you will be actively compaigning against them in 2010. Remind them who they work for, remind them who really holds the power in this country. We have two weeks folks, lets get to work!

Fox News Article

Contact your Representatives

Contact your Senators

List of the "Blue Dog Democrats" (Democrats who ran as conservatives and on whom our efforts should be focused).

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