Monday, March 24, 2008

Mitt Romney as VEEP???

I have spoken to several Mittheads who are cursing and spitting nails over the "Republican" nomination of John McCain. Like any true conservative, they are upset because the Republican party, rather than nominate a true conservative with the experience and know-how needed at this crucial time, chose to nominate a 120 year old no-talent political hack who's only notable achievement was getting shot down during vietnam. Well...that's not true. He has come out with some pretty good legislation. Everyone is just ablaze about how wonderful McCain-Feingold has been (note my sarcasm). In fact, the only people who don't like McCain's legislation are those darn pesky conservatives. They should learn that just because you vote for someone, doesn't mean that they actually have to do what you want them to do.

So now I have heard several former Mittheads say that they will only vote for McCain if he chooses a good solid conservative to be his running mate, and that wouldn't it be just spectacular if he offered that spot to Mitt himself? This would be great because then Mitt would be able to keep Liberal John under control and have some good influence in the area of economics, an area to which McCain has admitted having no understading for, and he would get the name recognition which would set him up for another bid in four to eight years.

First of all, remember freshman government. The VP has no real power. His job is to show up at charity dinners and give speaches at the events that the president doesn't want to go to. He is like the looser guy in the rock star's entourage that hangs out to get the left over girls. The only reason Cheney had so much influence over Bush is because Bush valued his opinion. Knowing what we know about McCain's feelings toward Romney, I seriously doubt that McCain would listen to anyone but the voices in his head.

Secondly, if by some magic supernatural event, John McCain is elected president. He will most assuredly be a bad one. Why would any self respecting politician, especially one who wants to appeal to conservative Americans, want to associate himself with someone like John McCain. That is about as smart as boarding a New York to LA flight on a plane that is missing an engine. You can hope that you'll get there in one piece, but chances are your going to find yourself in a horrible fireball of death. Mitt Romney would be smart to keep his distance from McCain, and if he does accept a Veep offer, pray to God that McCain has his 80 year old rear end handed to him in November. At least that way Romney gets the name recognition without having to spend eight years watching McCain flush the economy down the toilet.

The only positive to a VP Romney would be in the event that McCain bought it. This would be the only way this election could turn out positive. However, it is generally poor practice to base your country's future on the possibility of someone dieing. We need a better plan.

Mitt, we love you. We want you to run again. Just stay away from McCain.

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