Saturday, March 22, 2008

What are conservatives to do?

I have said many times, the economy is the number one issue in this election. More important than Iraq, health care, and all the other "toy topics" that the media likes to bring up. That being said, the spot that we are in did not come about simply in the last eight years as the democratic party would love for us to believe. Both parties have failed the American people when it comes to our country's financial security.

The Democrats, since FDR during the great depression, have made it their number one policy to secure elections by convincing voters that it is the government's job to provide for it's citizens and growing government in the process. High school textbooks will never talk about FDR's policies in any critical light because to the liberal, he is bigger that Jesus. No other US president has been as successful in making as many people dependent upon the government as Roosevelt. The worst thing that FDR did was not change the government, it was that he changed the culture. Up to that point, you either worked and saved or you starved. No one else could be blamed or held responsible if you failed to take care of yourself. After FDR, people discovered that they could turn to the government for assistance if they needed. Now as government has expanded, offering more entitlements, people are becoming less inclined to work for an honest day's living, because for many, especially the lower-class, it is more lucrative to be poor and collect a welfare check than to find a way out of poverty. The democrats love to tell people that they are trapped in their situation because of their race, religion, parents, circumstances, what ever. Why do the democrats have the black vote? Because the black community has been convinced that they cannot grow past their station. Now many of them don't even try. And because it is the democratic party that continues to look for new ways to reward poor people for being poor, they will always have the majority of the poor vote. Their tactics are entirely based on class warefare. They convince the poor that the reason they are poor is because the "mean rich white people" are hogging all the money. What is the solution? Tax the rich! Get em! Take their money and give it to the poor (not forgetting to take a chunk along the way, even Robin Hood needed a Lexus).

The left wants you to belive that all rich men are evil swindlers, and all poor people are honest hard workers who can't catch a break 'cause the "man" has got them down. The funny thing is that "redistribution of wealth" sounds nice on paper, but in reality it only acts as incentive for people to stay poor. Why would any poor person who is getting earned income credit, food stamps, free health care, and subsidized housing want to go and get a better job, or encourage their children to get a better job when all that waits for them is Uncle Sam waiting to take a big bite out of their hard earned money. So the poor become dependent upon the government for their livelihoods and are compelled to vote for officials who will increase their entitlements, thus reinforcing a growing population who are fully supported by those citizens who feel it their duty to work for a living despite what the government tells them.

The Republicans have failed us too. While the left is bent on growing government. The Republicans sit by and let it happen. We have not had a truly conservative president in 20 years. Bush was completely content to focus on other less important matters rather than stabilizing our economic situation. Many in the republican party have swallowed the left's rhetoric that corporations are evil and need to be taxed into oblivion. This falls right in line with the whole "class warfare/evil rich men" idea. Those people make too much money, and it is the government's job to take it away and give it to people who "deserve it more". Once again it sounds like a good idea but it only results in companies moving overseas (and taking their jobs with them) where the regulation is not as stringent. Are we suprised though? We say "ha ha rich people! You have to pay for everyone's meal!" The rich person says, "I think not", and goes somewhere else to to eat, and we are left looking around for someone to pick up the bill. None of us can afford to pay it. What do we do now.

The Republicans have been voted into office to combat the policies of the left, and rather than doing what they were hired to do, they embraced the left's polices because they realized that it is easier to stay in power when you have an electorate that is dependent on you. They also realized that the number of governmental dependents is growing exponentially while the number of hard working, contributing citizens is dwindling. Is there any question as to why the republican nominee is John McCain? McCain is the nominee because the Republicans liked how he appealed to moderates and independents. They liked how he appealed to non-conservatives. They knew that the conservatives would vote republican with out thought, so they found a candidate that would shine in the eyes of the left. McCain certainly does that. The man hates conservatives. The only thing that he has maintained a conservative stance on is the war, and who knows how long that will last considering how much he likes to "reach across the aisle". McCain is by far the scariest candidate because not only would he further trash the economy (which he has both admitted in his words and demonstrated by his policy that he knows nothing about) but the Republican's would get the blame, ensuring a Democratic/Socialist government for the next 20 years.

So now what do we do? What can conservatives do? Some have talked about voting Democrat under the mantra that if the country is going to be destroyed, let it happen under a democrat's watch. I can't say that I completely disagree with that. But I would prefer to vote for someone who's policies I can support, even if it means voting for someone who doesn't have a prayer of winning. In the long term situation, conservatives have to send a message to the republican party that they cannot win without us, and that we will not vote for any candidate who will not defend our ideals. The Republicans believe that conservatives will vote for anyone as long as they have an R behind their name. We must annihilate this belief.

If conservatives take a stand and vote for a non-republican. It will send a message to the Republican establishment that they cannot rely on our vote unless they deliver what they have promised. This means of course that the Democrats will win this election. However, it also means that next time around we might actually get a nominee who will fight for conservative values, giving us true leadership and defending our freedoms


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but what about the buffalo?