Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Poor Hillary

I feel so sorry for Hillary. This lady is now experiencing first hand what every conservative politician has become accustomed to...complete opposition by the media.

It must suck for democrats to wake up and find out that they don't get a free pass anymore. Hillary has thrived by not having to explain her actions. Now, all of the sudden, she is not the golden child anymore.

Ever since Bush II was re-elected in 04, she has been told by everyone and their dog that she was a shoe-in for the democratic nomination and probably the presidency. Now here comes one term Obama, who is about to hand Hillary her walking papers.

The media is ready to lynch Mrs. Clinton over these comments she made about landing in Bosnia amid sniper fire while she was first lady. Apparently, Hillary was less than honest about the exact circumstances of her visit. Does this surprise anyone?

What is hilarious, is that this is not the worst, or most damning lie Hillary ever told. Compared to the Watergate scandal, this is nothing.

What makes it even better, is how if Hillary over dramatizes an insignificant event as first lady, the Media shuns her; but Obama receives "spiritual" instruction from a racist anti-American, anti-Semite, for over 20 years, and the media can't stop praising his name. That shouldn't suprise anyone either. The venom that Rev. Wright spouts is music to the ears of the left. This is exactly what they want. I love how they call it church.

What is even better is that the Republican party nominated a no-talent hack because he was "most-likely" to beat Hillary. Hillary getting the Dem nod would have been the best thing in the world for the Republicans. Now they will get exactly what they deserve

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