Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Morally Bankrupt?

This week the AP reported how a number of animal rights activists have been terrorizing certain UC Berkley who use animals in their research.

You can read the story at the following link:


Over the past few years "brave" activists, faces covered and clothed in black, have been voicing their concern over animal rights using the common civil methods of spray painting, firebombing, and window-breaking. This is minor though according to Dr. Jerry Vlasak who thinks that killing these researchers would be "morally justifiable". Of course, he also comments that he does not encourage anyone to commit murder. No, of course not.

I seriously wonder if any of these "brave" activists have ever gone to the doctor. I wonder if they have ever taken a Tylenol, or cold medicine, or had a flu shot. I wonder if any of them has ever had a child born with a severe birth defect. If it wasn't for animal testing, our medicine would still be in the dark ages. A visit to the doctor would consist of getting a spoonful of calomel and the application of leaches. Open-heart surgery and countless other procedures wouldn't even exist.

I would love to ask one of these "brave" activists if they are just as passionately against partial birth abortion (0r any form of baby-killing for that matter). I wonder what their views are on human embryo experimentation or stem-cell research. I am willing to venture a guess that these "brave" activists willingly defend a woman's right to have her baby's brain suctioned out. If baby-killing is a legitimate right, then what about my right to be able to take cold medicine that won't make me go blind.

This is another example of useful-idiots doing the dirty work for the left. A normal person, while not feeling excessive glee over the death of animals, realizes that it is a necessary evil, and that the rights of humans supersede the animal's rights. Meanwhile, the left preaches that there is no difference between humans and animals. Some even call for the abolition of "animal slavery" or what we call owning a pet. According to them, animal should be given free reign in our society, beholden to know man, reproducing on a whim, walking the streets as free as a bird. I don't think any of these people have been outside of suburbia. Take a stroll in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where hundreds of thousands of stray dogs wander the streets eating garbage and biting passersby. Definitely a romantic image. All of this goes to prove the saying that "a man is free to be a liberal, until he has to get a job."


Anonymous said...

It is such a wierd oxymoron to think that someone would feel justified in supporting partial birth abortion but couldn't stand to have a rat injected with something.

Another side is the complete lack of civility from the left. They can yell and scream and disrupt the president all they want during speeches then complain that their voice isn't heard.

Max Power said...

True, I just heard a caller on the Glen Beck program railing on John McCain for ejecting a disruptive protester from a speech, saying that it was typical of the right. Typical of the right??? Who is it calling for a return of the fairness doctrine?