Friday, July 11, 2008

Where is McCain???

After watching the dismal display made by John McCain in the past few months, I can't help but think "This is what the Republicans asked for?" On Super Tuesday, McCain gained a vital lead over Romney because the polls showed that he had a better chance of beating Hillary in the general election. With in the next few weeks, the Republican establishment sensing that Romney was doomed, threw in their support with Johnny-boy, thus sealing Mitt's demise.

Who's laughing now?

The republican base is practically pleading with McCain to take Romney as a running mate, because everyone knows, that if we want to prevent an Obama presidency, we will need a candidate that can fully engage the enemy without forgetting what he said 20 minutes ago.

Now that I think of it, I can't recall a single person I know who voted for McCain in the primary. Then again, I live in Utah, the state that gave Romney 95% of the vote. Talk trash about Mormon's all you want, we recognize a good candidate when we see one. One of the Mormon leaders from years past commented once that the time would come when the constitution would dangle by a thread and it would be the members of the LDS Church that would save it. Looking at the results of this election, I can see how that could be fulfilled.

The only thing worse than McCain's refusal to embrace conservative ideals, is his refusal to engage Obama on the issues. Rather than draw a firm line distinguishing himself from his Democrat counterpart, McCain seems resigned to the fact that he will have his rear handed to him in November. This is what you voted for people!!! McCain needs to fire his entire staff and hire Rush Limbaugh to write out his talking points.

The Republicans are so backward that they actually believe the tripe that the left is spouting about them. They are actually buying into the idea that it is the Republican's fault that gas prices have skyrocketed. Never mind, that it has been the Democrats who have blocked increasing domestic oil production time and time again. Never mind, that while ethanol, wind, solar power, and Teddy Kennedy are all praised as viable alternative energy sources; nuclear power, a energy source that actually could reduce our foreign energy dependence, has been cast aside. Never mind that the only problem Obama has with the gas prices is how quickly they have risen. The Democrats want high gas prices. They figure that once the prices gets high enough, they will be the only ones left driving. Finally, a real solution to traffic jams.

The basic law of economics is supply and demand. The main reason gas prices are so high is that demand is increasing, and the supply either can't or won't keep up. The majority of the public is clamoring for the U.S. to increase the supply. Drill, drill, drill! Increase the supply by drilling domestically, and not only do gas prices go down, but we stop indirectly funding terrorism. It's a win win! The democrats plan is to attack the other side of the equation. Reduce demand by artificially increasing the price. They love that the gas prices are high. They want to make them higher. It is one of those great ideas that would have absolutely no effect except stagnate our economy. Anybody else notice that the housing crisis has escalated proportionately with the price of gasoline? People can't afford gas and houses. One has to go.

So where is McCain, why isn't he addressing these issues and taking on the Dems in their energy policy? Why isn't he putting them on the defensive? You can guarantee that had Romney been nominated he would have Obama tied up in knots right now. If Obama wins this election, it won't be because of Bush's "failed policies" or because of Obama's "magnetic charisma" it will be solely because McCain is a 100 year old hack who doesn't have the balls for a real fight. Congratulations Republicans! You picked him, you keep him.


Anonymous said...

CHRIS- YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!! Where the crap is he. This is a golden opportunity to push an energy policy that this country actually wants (and needs). McCain is going to lose this election to an inexperienced joke of a candidate. I'm fed up with it!

Hannah said...

It's time for a third party to rise up strong ... conservatives all the way! The Republican Party is failing us!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering this myself! Why isn't McCain pointing out Obama's horrendous energy policy, his pretending to have supported welfare reform when he didn't, and his assurance that the "Surge" in Iraq wouldn't work when it has??? It appears that Obama is being handed a free ticket to the White House.